Frequently asked questions
Do I need an account to place an order?
No, all you need is an email address. We recommend that you register for an account, but, you can also place and track orders as a guest and sign up at a time that suits you.
I have forgotten my password: what should I do?
Simply follow the 'Forgot your password?’ link on our Sign In page and enter your email address. You’ll then receive an email to reset your password.
How do I receive Panareha email updates?
Stay informed of new arrivals, trends and exclusive promotions by entering your email address at the bottom of our homepage. You can then manage your email preferences under ‘My Account’.
How do I place an order on your site?
It's easy! Here’s how:
1. Choose a category from the top navigation menu or search to explore a specific style.
2. Select your desired piece and click ‘Add to bag’. Once you've added all items, it's time to checkout.
3. Sign in to your account or, if you've not yet created one, proceed via guest checkout.
4. Enter your address, payment method and delivery details to complete your order. That's it – we'll confirm the order and it will be carefully prepared and shipped to you, with updates every step of the way.
Where can I find size information?
Click on ‘Size Guide’ on the item’s page to view our conversion chart.